  • #57 Chikka Banavara, Hessaragatta Main Road, Opp: Janapriya Apartment Bangalore 560090
  • info@pragathi.edu.com

Why Choose Pragathi

To Educate, To Empower & To Enrich!



Ensuring quality education through quality teachers , learning tools, modern infrastructures and facility.


Skill Development Program (Earn while Learn)

Offering skilled development offered by NSDC certified program where they are getting job training in the campus.


Job oriented training

Job oriented training program in skill development area and after training working for MNC/SME in campus with stipend.


Language development program

Providing English development coaching entire course period for getting career opportunity across Global.


Educational Loan /Scholarship/ Sponsorship

We help make the student to process to avail the education loan / scholarship/ Sponsorship process smarter



All student who passed with 60% in academic or who complete training with stipend will placed after completed course

"Education is not mere accumulation of facts; it is preparation of life itself."

Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of the students, molds their character and develops mental skills to help them cope with problems and challenges of the complex world of today. One of the most significant character traits that need to be instilled in our youth during their education is a finely ingrained attitude of service- before-self. The aim is to make them successful not only in life, but also conscious of their duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens. It is with this vision that the Pragathi Group of Institutions was established in 1984.

The Pragathi Group of Institutions exemplify the fact that sky is not the limit in the pursuit of excellence. The aim of our Institutions is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial. We believe that our students need to learn academic along with skill development & career development courses There is, therefore, every reason to place a renewed emphasis on the humanistic dimensions of education, enabling each person to grasp and appreciate the individuality of others, and to discover .Our Institutions curricula also allows our teachers the flexibility to adopt innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention among the students and develop in them an appreciation for the values of the past, the excitement of the present and the challenges of the future.

Pragathi Group

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“Education is not simply a content delivery system; rather, it is a system designed to
help all Student reach their full potential and enter society as full and productive citizens.”

Pragathi Group of Institution (PGI) has consistently endeavored to provide high-quality education to student. Over the years, the Institute has been continuously evolving by pursuing and inculcating several innovative ways of teaching, learning, and experience-sharing by demonstrating accomplishment of time-bound Mission-oriented goals. This has been made possible by creating an intellectual capital of in-house human resources of highly qualified and experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, modernized computer lab with Wi-Fi and the sprawling Central Library for continuous innovations in the areas of research and publications– apart from launching of innovative programs.

Reasons galore why we are unique compare with any top institutions in Bangalore but also as difference from any institution in India!. Along with excellent academic training we are providing skill development program in side campus to develop their secondary skill as substitute option, may they can chose this as their primary option also.

“It is well said by an individual, “Education is more important but skill is the most important”

Skills Development are important as these bring positive effects in the life of an individual. In this 21st century and in competitive world, skills development are essential to gain success not only for a healthy society but also for successful individuals. Thus, it is important to evolve skill training among Student in their academic period from an early age itself.

“Regional language sets you in a corridor for life.
International language opens every door along the way.”

In a globalized world, where mobility is facilitated, learning International language is a wonderful benefit. Not only does it help when traveling, it is also a great advantage for studying in general and for career prospects abroad. Acquiring a second language enables us to develop various mental abilities at all ages. In PGI along with academic, proving International language training throughout the course period.

“Earned money brings you security, borrowed money gets you slavery.”

After completing skill development program, we initiative to provide training in MNC/ SME with stipend in the campus itself. Through this PGI literate student working ethics before they are entering in working life .By getting handsome stipend they are able to earn partial or entire expenses in study period.

“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”

We make the student busy full time in the campus by providing academic curriculum, skill development program, language development program, games and part time job in interesting manner.

I look forward to your joining us in our mission for excellence and contribute to our journey towards exploring new frontiers great opportunities in the unique educational system arena befitting our hard-earned reputation as one among the exclusive unique educational institution in India!

Anil Rc
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Pragathi Group

  • Provide world class education to student
  • Provide special coaching to student for preparing the competitive examination while they are doing their academic. Through that students are getting capability to face any competitive examination and secure their career future.
  • Provide regular coaching for develop their international language throughout the course period. Through that students can overcome the geographical barrack for developing their career. Students are getting training for Spoken, writing skill & public speaking.
  • Motivate the students to develop their career in administrative level and value added professions like Civil service, Chattered accountant, IT programmers & Entrepreneur through demonstrate video clipping of success people.
  • By Improving working skill of the student, develop them for self-dependence, literate them for importance and ethics of working system & creating opportunity to them to earn while learning.
  • Help the student to get education loan and literate them to importance of repayment.
  • Help the student to get sponsors and scholarship for the education on merit & Income basis.
  • Place 100% outgoing student in job with deserved remuneration.
  • Highly qualified facilities with good communication skill trained the student from smart class room with modern facility.
  • We are conducting couching classes every week end from 7 AM to 9.00 AM for International language development & 9.30 AM to 12 PM for UPSE examination, CA Foundation, PSC, SSc & BPO test. Through that we are preparing students face any competitive Examination.
  • Academic classes will be start from 7 AM to 12 AM and Skill development training will be start from 1 PM to 6 PM. Skill development is training for 6 months. Classes will be taking care by highly qualified professionals . Six month after skilled development training, students are getting opportunity to work in relevant company with stipend starting from 4 k to 12 k for a student per month. It will help the student getting minimum 30 months experience in one more profession while they are studying. Then the interested student can joining the company with experienced staff salary where they got skilled experience. This work will support student to follow working ethics and earning habits.
  • We are having legal team who are expert in loan arrangement for the student for their education purposes with law rate of interest. repayment starting only one year after completing the course only . Hence students are experienced skilled in one profession and graduate with good communication skill, our placement division can place the students as soon as they complete course with good communication skill. Repayment on education loan in time is not a big hurdles to them.
  • Our team is working to find out scholarship and sponsor ship to Merits student and financially week student.
  • Providing food in campus and hostel near the campus with our observation.

About Pragathy

The institution prepares students into self-reliant, independent thinking, globally relevant, skilled and socially useful citizens of the nation embedded with values to contribute in their own mite to the society.

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